#SunConsciousSummer in Support of Call Time on Melanoma
This Summer, we want you to tell us why you are having a #SunConsciousSummer. UNE PIECE has teamed up with Call Time on Melanoma to help raise funds in the fight against Melanoma. To help raise much needed funds, we’re asking you to post a photo of yourself in UNE PIECE to your Instagram feed, tag @une_piece and @calltimeonmelanoma, and say why you are having a #SunConsciousSummer. We will donate $5 for every post between now and 29 February 2020*.
We asked four of our beautiful #unepiecewomen to tell us why they are having a #SunConsciousSummer, below. We also can’t wait to see your reasons as to why you are having a #SunConsciousSummer.
Emmy, @the.oneills
“This summer I’m all about having a #SunConsciousSummer because I’m preparing for a kidney transplant... Once I have my kidney transplant I’ll be on a bucket load of immune-suppressant drugs leaving me very vulnerable to developing skin cancers. So I’m all about covering up! Also I want to set a good example of sun safety to my children. ”
Abbie, @inflowpilatesandwellness
“This is what my #SunConsciousSummer looks like! Every three months my gran has spots cut out of her skin, she made me promise to take care of mine! I carry my @une_piece everywhere in every colour so I can still enjoy the ocean and sunshine, while keeping my promise! ”
Lauren, @iamlaurenleigh
“I’m having a #SunConsciousSummer because I want to protect my naturally pale skin from the harmful Queensland rays and reduce the risks of developing Melanoma (which I recently found out was the third most common cancer in Australian women). I am so proud to share this super important message and aim to be a positive role model in all things #sunsafety to help bring more awareness.”
Marisa, @hanworthhouse
“Who’s having a #SunConsciousSummer? You know I have a firm #foc attitude and after hearing @ginasavage1 last week reminds us you can never be too young or beautiful to dodge melanoma -so I’m even more committed. So wherever I travel I always pack my @une_piece and let’s @calltimeonmelanoma. ”
*Limited to one entry per person and to a maximum of $1000 in donations raised.⠀