Learn to Paint with Kerrie Hess

Our amazing ‘Silhouettes’ campaign illustrator Kerrie Hess is once again running her insightful Online Masterclass in Painting for Beginners. You may recognise Kerrie’s beautiful illustrations on our website and on the art postcard prints that come with every UNE PIECE order. Her Masterclass course is perfect for a complete beginner wanting to learn to pain in both watercolour and acrylic paint mediums, and is running one time only in 2022. We chatted to Kerrie about her upcoming Masterclass for beginners and how we can all find creativity in our day-to-day lives.

Can you tell us a little bit about your Masterclass and what you hope your students will accomplish from it?

Honestly it's really all about creative confidence. Many of my students either felt like they just didn't know where to start with painting or have missed it as something they did long ago. Others are successful in the corporate world but just need a creative outlet to balance stress. Others just want to carve out time just for themselves! I think as women we can tend to put everyone else first and sometimes forget that self care is also about making time for something joyful and creative.

Can you share with us how you developed and refined your skills as an artist? Were there any resources that you wished you had available to you when you were starting out?

I actually wish a course like this existed when I started out! I was a graphic designer in the beginning of my career and knew I wanted to move more to painting. I bought myself art supplies and just spent years teaching myself! In many ways I know what my own roadblocks were with painting when I started out, so I always try and solve these in my lessons and keep them as simple as possible. The Masterclass is definitely about the person taking the course gaining knowledge and shortcuts, rather than just lovely videos showing my own art skills. It's those quick wins that help move you along and gain confidence to keep painting in a step by step process...

What, if anything, has surprised you most about teaching your Masterclasses?

I think how much I have enjoyed it! Most of my students do the Masterclass for joy and relaxation but others go on to have art careers, and for me that is really amazing to watch! Many of the students from our first cohort four years ago still share their work and wins in our private group, and we are all there to cheer them along.

What are your top tips for those wanting to add more creativity and calm to their day-to-day life?

The biggest thing is to make time for it. It's like making time for meditation or a yoga class. Pop it into your calendar like an appointment and it's more likely to happen. Then just showing up regularly, never expecting perfection from your work and lots of self kindness are also key. It's always about the journey, not the end result! And if you have a bit of a mindset that you 'just aren't creative' remind yourself that creativity is really for everyone. If you can mix colour and paint shapes and textures then you can be creative; it might even become your happy place.

Enrol in the Online Kerrie Hess Masterclass in Painting for Beginners

Enrolments close 10pm AEST, 6th of March 2022 or when sold out. There are only 150 places worldwide. Course content opens on the 7th of March with lifetime access to enrolled students.