The Muse: Pauline Nguyen
Pauline Nguyen is is one of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs… with a difference. She is an award-winning author and highly sought after international speaker. Australians might also recognise her as the owner of Red Lantern - the most awarded Vietnamese restaurant in the country. As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, she is uniquely positioned to act as a coach, mentor and teacher to other entrepreneurs looking to find inspiration and balance. In this interview, Pauline gives us an insight into her life and career as well as her advice on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
Who inspires you? My many teachers and mentors.
What is your dream job? I am living my dream jobs (plural) – My eco-system fulfills me because all aspects push forward humanity, keeping me vital, impactful and in love with life.
What is the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received? Don’t believe the hype. Don’t run with the crowd. Stand out from the crowd. Do the work to discover your truth. Then share your truth with the world.
“The Life You Live are the Lessons You Teach - You Are What You Share”
- Pauline’s Life Mantra
What are the three things that you can’t live without? Inspiration. Deliciousness. Access to nature’s medicine.
In five words or less describe your beach/poolside style. Almost naked, with a book.
Name the must have items that we would find in your beach bag.
Book, snorkel, premixed Vital Greens, iPhone with earphones for Podcasts and learning, low tox sunscreen.
What inspired you to write your book The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur? – The many entrepreneurs who I have taught, coached and mentored. Seeing their profound transformation once they understand and practice what it means to be tap into their Spirituality. Here they find true power and true freedom to do their best work and live their best lives.
What are the main lessons you hope readers take away from your book? So So So So many lessons.. You will have to read the book to find out!
What can we expect next from you and what are you excited about in the future? I have so much planned. There is always a next-level. I have my Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat. There will more Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables and I am doing more and more Corporate and Executive VIP Leadership training. My program is Badass. All of this stems from the foundational teachings in my book The Way of The Spiritual Entrepreneur.
What is the toughest lesson you’ve had to learn and how do you deal with overcoming adversity in life and in business? Stay away from the drama and the glamour. Emotional mastery is key – you cannot change your personal reality unless you change your personality. Keep reinventing yourself. Don’t listen to the naysayers, the dream stealers and the shit talkers. Keep strong the gatekeepers of your mind and your heart.
What is the one piece of advice that you would give others on their entrepreneur journey? Don’t do it alone. Surround yourself with people who will bring the best in you. Those who will not accept mediocrity from you. The ones who will not let you hide behind your excuses. Those who will call you to account. You become your associations. You become your environment and your environment becomes you. Choose them well.