Mindful Muses: Abbie Edwards, Co-Founder Inflow Pilates & Wellness

Today we’re introducing you to one of our Mindful Muses, Abbie Edwards. Based on the Sunshine Coast, Abbie is the Co-Founder of Inflow Pilates & Wellness–which runs Reformer Pilates, Mat Pilates, Yoga and Barre Classes. You might already recognise Abbie from our Instagram, where we love sharing her photos in UNE PIECE, so read on to get to know her a little bit better!

What do you do for a living: I have a Pilates studio here at the Sunshine Coast, where we run Reformer Pilates, Mat Pilates, yoga and barre classes. We also run workshops like breathwork, cooking classes and meditation. I teach classes and also manage the studio.

What is your Life Mantra? This year - If it’s not nourishing, it’s not happening, LIFE - Just Laugh. 

In these incredibly challenging times, what is bringing you joy? My daily beach walks and pilates sessions, having the time to connect with my family far and wide, and the time and space to slow down and just BE.


My daily beach walks and pilates sessions, having the time to connect with my family”

- Abbie, on some of the things that are currently bringing her joy.

Are you reading/watching/listening to anything interesting right now? Currently rereading ‘The Power of Now’, and watching Masterchef to get all that food inspo :)

Have you created any new routines in the past few weeks?

Routine is incredibly important. Here are some of the routines I have put in place. 

  • Sunrise walks daily, often with a friend so I am getting some social time and sharing that special time of the day with loved ones.

  • Daily Breathwork, meditation

  • To the beach for sunset with my partner

  • Boxing sessions (a couple a week) with my partner

  • Pilates sessions at Home - with Inflow - 3-4 times a week

Do you have any top tips or pieces of advice you can share that may help people through these challenging times? “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference” – The Serenity Prayer. This quote has helped me through moments of uncertainty and overwhelm. 

Top tips: Get up and move daily, get your toes salty and your daily dose of sunshine!

Looking to the future, what are you hopeful for? I'm excited to reunite with our Inflow community and to have the studio up and running again. I'm hopeful that this time will bring greater appreciation to the importance of movement, and all the finer things in life that we take for granted. 

What do you think of UNE PIECE and its vision to empower and build confidence in women? It’s no secret I absolutely LOVE the UNE PIECE brand and everything it stands for. This brand (and its Founder) have been such an integral part of my journey in self confidence and self love. The message this brand embodies is so empowering to not only its clients, but Female Founders and mamas worldwide.