Mindful Muses: Ali Hill, Psychologist and CEO

We’re so excited to introduce you to our latest Mindful Muse, Ali Hill. Ali is a registered psychologist, award-winning business woman, international keynote speaker and author of two best-selling books. She is also the host and producer of the podcast, Stand Out Life. We invited Ali to share with us how she has adapted to her new routine, and her top pieces of advice for those dealing with challenging times.


“We can do hard things” – Ali’s Life Mantra

Have you created any new routines in the past few weeks? Do you have any top tips or pieces of advice you can share that may help people through these challenging times? 

I have embraced more movement and time outside in the past few weeks. For me this has been my saving grace for mental well-being, particularly in times of anxiety and uncertainty. 

The following are a few routines I have embraced the last few weeks: 

  • Putting myself in the way of sunrises or sunsets as often as possible. 

  • Afternoon swims at Currumbin beach as a family – we’ve gotten into the habit of heading down to the beach on sunset and finding our spot in the water away from others to play in the waves. 

  • Every day the kids and I do a 40 minute hike through the border track, which is a fun trail walk in the bushland close to our place. The light coming through the trees, the sound of the birds, and see the kids play in natures playground is such a delight. 

Having recording nearly 100 episodes on my podcast series, talking with experts in a range of fields, some of the following have come up consistently as tips for facing challenging times: 

  • Breath work – focusing on a deep breathing practice. This can be anything from taking 3 deep breathes to a 10 minute practice.

  • Journalling – taking the time to sit and write whatever comes to mind. Journaling is a space to navigate the range of thoughts and emotions that can be coming up at times like this.

  • Time in nature – lunch in the sun, bare feet on grass, walks in the bush. However you can inject nature into your day, even for a few minutes is always a great reset. 


Meet Ali Hill

Ali is a psychologist, CEO of three-time AFR Fast 100 company Pragmatic Thinking, and a world class dancer in her own kitchen (much to the embarrassment of her two kids).

In these incredibly challenging times, what is bringing you joy? 

There are so many pockets of joy that are coming through in these hard times: 

  • Spending more time with the kids. Often our business has both me and my husband travelling regularly. The kids are loving having us both around more often. 

  • Getting daily photos and videos of my nephew who is only 6 weeks old. Whilst we can’t have the real hugs at the moment, watching him grow up via our daily photos is bringing a huge amount of joy. 

  • Soaking up the beautiful place that we live in – from the bush land to the beatiful beaches.

  • Seeing the local businesses pivot, adapt and show their incredible level of resilience – grabbing my coffee from our local café Dust Temple has become a daily moment of joy to help support them.

  • The time to sit and chat with my Dad without the pressures of having to dash off somewhere.

  • Pockets of authentic connections with beautiful friends (although I am ready for real hugs and dinners out again).

Are you reading/watching/listening to anything interesting right now? 

I’m currently reading two pretty amazing books, Phosphorescence by Julia Baird will have you connecting with the wonder and awe of nature at a different level. I’ve also just started Glennon Doyle’s latest book, Untamed, and devouring it. 

Currently listening (and dancing in the lounge room) to more retro music than my two kids are happy about.

Looking to the future, what are you hopeful for?

I’m hopeful that our kids watch us face this challenge and realise, that even when things get hard, and tough decisions need to be made you can still focus on kindness and connection. 

I’m hopeful that this time of uncertainty and challenge will be an opportunity for a collective recalibration of the things that really matter for all of us, and to embrace our creativity of new possibilities. Every habit and method of working is up for grabs, and it’s just possible that what’s on the other side is going to serve us all better in the long run. 



unch in the sun, bare feet on grass, walks in the bush. However you can inject nature into your day, even for a few minutes is always a great reset.”

– one of Ali’s tips for facing challenging times. Ali wears the Hybrid Leggings in Monochrome Palm.

What do you think of the UNE PIECE brand and its vision to empower and build confidence in women?

Having a 10 year old daughter who watches my every move I’m acutely aware of how important it is for her to see me comfortable in my own skin, to never speak poorly about my body, to see me feeling confident in what I wear.

It’s through this lens that I’m drawn to brands. From the moment I was introduced to UNE PIECE brand I feel in love with the vision to support, empower, and build confidence in women. Then I met Carly and her team and realised this belief in encouraging and supporting women oozes through everything they do.

There hasn’t been a single time that I’ve worn one of my UNE PIECEs (because I have a few) that I haven’t been asked about the label. I put this down to the confidence I feel when I put them on; it’s magnetic. Watching my daughter ask about the brand and feeling confident wearing her piece is something that brings me joy, because of this vision.

It is a reminder that life really is beautiful.

You can learn more about Ali on her website, here, and listen to her Stand Out Life podcast, here.