
Tahana UNE PIECE Women 2019

What is your life mantra? Kind heart, strong mind, patient soul

Describe yourself in 3 words: Kind, adventurous, passionate

What does an average day look like for you? I am a full time working, co-parenting Mama. So every single day is different for me. When I’m not working, I’m either exploring Brisbane with my little boy or taking myself on an adventure to a new beach I haven’t discovered yet. I like to keep aircraft by trying new activities or walking along the river. I also put a lot of time into my Instagram page in the hopes that I can help women all over the world to love and take care of themselves and realise their self worth.

Where would you rather be? (a glam destination by the water) The beach is where my soul is at home but my heart longs to be in Western Europe, any season of the year.

What is the most impactful piece of life advice you have ever received? Forgiveness is the key to your own happiness.

What personal achievement are you most proud of in the past 12 months? After living my life full of self doubt, feeling unworthy and unlovable, I have completely turned my life around and am now full of confidence, I know my worth and truly know that I am loveable, just the way I am. I don’t have to change.

Sophie Drew