
Paru UNE PIECE Women.jpg

What is your life mantra? Be grateful for the small things and of course for the big wins!

Describe yourself in 3 words: Wanderluster + newbie vigneron

What does an average day look like for you? A morning strength training session, helping my teams at work, yoga, cooking and eating dinner with my gorgeous hubby + planning our next step for the vineyard

Where would you rather be? (a glam destination by the water) The Maldives

What is the most impactful piece of life advice you have ever received? β€œA problem is a problem. You can smile about it or stay angry - either way you need to solve it” My hubsband

What personal achievement are you most proud of in the past 12 months? 2018 saw us harvesting the very first crop of our own grapes! They are in barrel and will be bottled at the end of 2019

Sophie Drew