
Tanya UNE PIECE women

What is your life mantra? love what you do

Describe yourself in 3 words: caring, confident, determined

What does an average day look like for you? I have 4 children (6 and under) we have a structured daily routine with them. I also try and go to the gym 3x a week, work .8, studying a master in social work full time and attempt to still have a social life. My daily routine is quite dull with bed usually by 9 at the latest!

Where would you rather be? (a glam destination by the water) Camping or travelling the world with my family. I prefer the lesser known places and more "rough" accommodation and locations.

What is the most impactful piece of life advice you have ever received? When I was 18 I told my dad for being what I perceived as immature. He said to me "you dont feel any older, you just look it". Now I am older and he has passed away I totally understand that. I still feel like I am 21.

What personal achievement are you most proud of in the past 12 months? Passing my first year of my Master in Social Work. I have now started my second and final year. I have also managed to keep all my children and sanity in tact.

Sophie Drew