Mindful Muses: Kerrie Hess Launches Free Art Lessons

In this edition of our Mindful Muse series we reached out to Australian artist Kerrie Hess. With more kids and parents staying at home right now, Kerrie has launched six free Art Lessons in painting in watercolour for kids and parents, while at home. A new Art Lesson will be released every Thursday for both the young and young-at-heart to enjoy. Kerrie shares with us the inspiration behind creating her free kids Art Lessons, as well as the importance of slowing down and enjoying the little moments in life.


What is your Life Mantra? I think the older I get the more I am able to slow down and remember to enjoy it! For me it’s a mix of achieving the things that are goals niggling in my soul, to also just being present and in the moment. I do believe in that saying that you can have it all, just not at the same time.

In these incredibly challenging times, what is bringing you joy? I am actually enjoying slowing down to be honest. I am enjoying the little moments even more than before, a daily walk, a morning coffee and weekend sleep ins! I have my days like all of us where I feel waves of worry but I am just doing what my body wants me too!  That might be cooking or painting being creative, or just relaxing with a good book.

Are you reading/watching/listening to anything interesting right now? I am a big fan of Seth Godins ‘Akimbo’ podcast and I am reading the book ‘Company of One’ by Paul Jarvis. It’s about micro business and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am also watching ‘Ozark’ when my son goes to bed!

Have you created any new routines in the past few weeks? A morning walk followed by coffee and banana bread is the start of every day now!  I then end the day with an early evening stroll around the block a few times whilst I call my mum to check in. These daily markers are making me feel like days aren’t just merging into one another!

Do you have any top tips or pieces of advice you can share that may help people through these challenging times? My top tip is just to do what feels good for you right now. If that’s being productive, great, but if it’s not, giving yourself permission to just surrender and get through this time being kind to yourself is fine too. We are all in different circumstances so there is no right answer right now! Just do what is best for you.

Looking to the future, what are you hopeful for? I am hoping we find some good out of this whole situation when it passes. I do think we won’t ever take our freedoms and the ability to travel and discover for granted again. And I am also hopeful that the environment will have healed a little while we all stayed inside…


I am enjoying the little moments even more than before, a daily walk, a morning coffee and weekend sleep ins

– Kerrie Hess, on what is bringing her joy.

In a few short sentences, can you tell us a little bit more about your new children's art tutorials and what you hope both kids and their parents will take away from the experience? Well, the idea came about thinking about my own son missing interactive art classes while at home and I know there are so many kids around the world that are in the same boat, so I thought this could be something I could do to fill that gap for any kids and parents who would like to learn and feel some creative joy while at home. It will be six free tutorials of painting in watercolour which is such a fun medium to try out for the first time, and just enjoy creativity.


Enrol for your free Kids Art Classes by Kerrie Hess online: here.